The BIO Girls Blog
BIO Girls 5th Annual Gala - God’s Plan, Our Story
BIO Girls 5th Annual Gala - an evening filled with the stories that make BIO Girls what it is today.
August 2023 Grant Highlights
We are so grateful for each opportunity we get to spread the BIO Girls mission and grant dollars are another way our generous region makes this possible. Check out this month’s grant highlights!
Volunteer Highlight — Jenny Mathiesen
BIO Girls is a 100% volunteer-facilitated program. That being said, we have some pretty incredible volunteers. We can’t wait to share as many as we can with you. Check out this highlighted volunteer!
BIO Girls Dickinson focuses on self-esteem for young girls
Dickinson, ND — Earlier this year, Nikki Wolla teamed up with a couple of other moms in the community to launch a Dickinson chapter of BIO (Beauty Inside and Out) Girls, a Fargo-based Christian non-denominational organization.
Empowering Adolescent Girls - A Journey Towards Boosting Self-Esteem
Waconia, MN — As girls across the Midwest battle anxiety, low self-esteem and other mental health challenges, an area program determined to change this has been growing over the last decade. For Waconia, individuals are raising their hands to support our youth to teach skills and provide resources to strengthen that confidence.
Volunteer Highlight — Sara Lau
BIO Girls is a 100% volunteer-facilitated program. That being said, we have some pretty incredible volunteers. We can’t wait to share as many as we can with you. Check out this highlighted volunteer!
July 2023 Grant Highlights
We are so grateful for each opportunity we get to spread the BIO Girls mission and grant dollars are another way our generous region makes this possible. Check out this month’s grant highlights!
Bedford Donates to BIO Girls Local Community Service Project
BIO Girls of Jackson/Lakefield assembled plastic lumber chairs for Jackson County Schools. The project was sponsored by Bedford; the employer of BIO Girls volunteer, Kristy Thurmer, who works as a Sr. Mechanical Engineer.
June 2023 Grant Highlights
We are so grateful for each opportunity we get to spread the BIO Girls mission and grant dollars are another way our generous region makes this possible. Check out this month’s grant highlights!
Helping Parents Understand and Talk about Sexual Abuse and Exploitation | The BIO Girls Podcast
Laurie Robinson-Sammons has spent 50 years in the education field as a teacher, curriculum specialist, and adjunct university professor of education. In this episode, Laurie spends time helping parents understand and talk about sexual abuse and exploitation.
One Mom’s Experience Parenting a Teen with Depression
Steph is the mother of two teenage daughters, now 15 and 17. Kaitlyn has struggled off and on with depression and anxiety since the summer before starting 6th grade. This will focus on the most recent bout fall of 2021 – spring 2022.
What to do When – Your Child Has Eating or Body Image Concerns
For those who struggle with body and eating issues as adults, it’s never too late to shift our mindset and habits, and it will help not only us, but the girls in our lives, lead healthier and happier lives.
What to do When – Your Child Experiences a Change in the Family System
As a mental health professional, I am often asked how to manage changes occurring within the family system that are impacting kids. Although there are a wide variety of changes that can occur (e.g., parental divorce or separation, a move, the birth or adoption of a new sibling) as well as many other things, there are a few tips that are consistently helpful in almost any situation involving change.
May 2023 Grant Highlights
We are so grateful for each opportunity we get to spread the BIO Girls mission and grant dollars are another way our generous region makes this possible. Check out this month’s grant highlights!
Volunteer Highlight — Michelle Goldman
BIO Girls is a 100% volunteer-facilitated program. That being said, we have some pretty incredible volunteers. We can’t wait to share as many as we can with you. Check out this highlighted volunteer!
2023 Find Your Kind 5k & Youth Run Recap!
BIO Girls’ 2023 Find Your Kind 5K, presented by Essentia Health, was a huge success! Check out our full race recap!
Volunteer Highlight — Sarah Nicholls
BIO Girls is a 100% volunteer-facilitated program. That being said, we have some pretty incredible volunteers. We can’t wait to share as many as we can with you. Check out this highlighted volunteer!
Volunteer Highlight — Rachel Gladue
BIO Girls is a 100% volunteer-facilitated program. That being said, we have some pretty incredible volunteers. We can’t wait to share as many as we can with you. Check out this highlighted volunteer!
BIO Girls Teen Program Mental Health Module Findings
Connection, a module about healthy relationships, was the third BIO Girls Teen Program to be piloted. This module ran weekly in five two-hour sessions from March through April. The sessions covered the self, changing family dynamics, friends, dating, and social media.
April 2023 Grant Highlights
We are so grateful for each opportunity we get to spread the BIO Girls mission and grant dollars are another way our generous region makes this possible. Check out this month’s grant highlights!