
Ready to build up the next generation? Come alongside the 1,000+ volunteer Mentors and leave a lasting impact on girls in your community.

What is a Mentor?

Each BIO Girls program requires several volunteer Mentors to serve alongside the program’s Site Director.

As a Mentor, you get the opportunity to work directly with a small group of participants each week throughout the season. This positive mentorship is a key element of the BIO Girls program. Not to mention, participants often choose “relationship with mentor” as one of their favorite things about BIO Girls!

As a Mentor, you attend all 12 sessions, lead small group discussions, and participate in the physical activity each session.

Keep scrolling to see Mentor testimonies, see behind the scenes, and learn what becoming a BIO Girls mentor in your community entails.

Mentoring 101!

What do Mentors say?

  • "BIO Girls has taught not only me, but the rest of these young minds what true beauty means, how to cope and deal with feelings of anxiousness, build friendships, and most importantly how to believe in ourselves. "

  • "I have never volunteered for a 12 week program and been sad that it was over."

  • "What a blessing! I looked forward to Mondays to uplift and be uplifted by this wonderful group of girls and other women."

  • "BIO Girls has been such an impactful and insightful experience for me as a mentor. I enjoyed the content, team work and relevant sessions that we taught each other. Looking forward to next year!"