Volunteer Highlight — Michelle Goldman


Meet Michelle Goldman!

Michelle Goldman has been a mentor at Fargo-Olivet, Casselton, and is currently mentoring at BIO Girls - HQ. She has been volunteering with BIO Girls since 2016! We are so inspired by Michelles’s continuous generosity.

Michelle – thank you! Our team, the girls you have made an impact on, and the Fargo and Casselton community sincerely thank you.

  • What is your favorite lesson or mantra?

    • “My favorite mantra is Spread Kindness like Confetti. The impact empathy and kindness have can be life changing.”

  • Why do you love volunteering for BIO Girls?

    • “I will admit I was somewhat talked into being a mentor my first year – at the time I was personally lost deep in the dark journey of grief from the life shattering loss of my mom. Missy and a friend who was also a mentor encouraged me and then just told me, “you are doing this”. The first session wasn’t even over, and I realized just how empowering and important this program is to young girls, while at the same time how much I would benefit from being a part of BIO Girls. The impact BIO Girls had on me was transforming and inspiring, the lessons not only spoke to the girls but were also words and lessons I needed to hear, badly. The girls and the BIO Girls program without even knowing it cast a light into the darkness of my grief to help me find my way back to living. That first year I felt I couldn’t give back as much as I was given from the program and the young girls, so I kept coming back., striving in a way to pay it forward. Though I give to this program I always feel like BIO Girls is a double bucket filler, not just fulfilling to the girls but to all those who give of their time too. The girls and the value of what this program brings are my reasons for being excited and honored to volunteer year after year. If you ask me, this is a must program for every girl to experience and participate in – providing much needed lessons on self-worth, self-confidence, kindness, empowering one’s self & other, service to others and so so much more. Every girl will truly grow and benefit from BIO Girls."

  • Do you have an impactful story to share from your volunteer experience?

    • “There are so many to choose from over the years of being a mentor – the weekly impact from just engaging with the girls to hearing their thoughts and stories that apply to each lesson. Building meaningful relationships and connecting with the girls weekly, while watching them grow and work towards their goals. Watching the excitement, joy and pride the girls have upon reaching their goals – seeing their smiles and hearing their laughter as they accomplish running a 5k all while having fun, so many can’t believe they actually did it!! Like I said, there are so many, yet one that I likely hold dearest is the relationship I have built with one of the girls during the last two years– seeing this shy, quiet girl who is was learning how to be and growing into being self-confident & having positive self-esteem grow strongly and kindly into herself – finding her voice and using it. Witnessing such growth over these two years with her has impacted me greatly, seeing just what this program provides to young girls is quite the experience to watch unfold.”


Ready to get involved?

Register for our next Virtual Lunch and Learn!

Join us to learn more from our BIO Girls team. We will cover information on the BIO Girls mission, our proven program, as well as our volunteer roles: Site Director and Mentor.

See you there!


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