Site Director
Join us! There are over 100 volunteer Site Directors who are paving the way for positive change for girls in their community.
What is a Site Director?
The BIO Girls program is 100% volunteer-facilitated.
Back in 2013, BIO (Beautiful Inside & Out) Girls began as one program location in Fargo, North Dakota. Since then, BIO Girls has grown to have program locations across the Midwest, in five states: North Dakota, Minnesota, South Dakota, Iowa, and Wisconsin.
This growth has been made possible by our volunteer Site Directors!
Each BIO Girls program requires one initial volunteer to raise their hand to bring the BIO Girls program to their community. This lead volunteer role is our Site Director role.
As a Site Director, you lead the charge for BIO Girls in your community by advocating for the importance of our mission, organizing all the details leading up to the program, and facilitating the 12 sessions. Most importantly, our Site Directors leave a lasting impact on the girls who participate in the program.
Keep scrolling to see Site Director testimonies, meet a Site Director, see behind the scenes, and learn what bringing BIO Girls to your community entails.
Interested in becoming a Site Director? Drop your info below!
What do Site Directors say?
Thinking about applying? Here are some first steps!
1. Volunteer Overview & Eligibility
What does it take to lead a BIO Girls program in your community? Check out our overview for a better idea. View the overview here.
For volunteer eligibility, please also view our Volunteer Eligibility Policy.
2. Program Type
Our 12-session program includes non-competitive physical activity. Traditionally, our program uses running. However, over the years we have expanded options! Take time to look at the options and requirements to choose yours. View options here.
3. Virtual Lunch & Learn
This is our one-stop shop to ask all of your questions! Join us virtually for an overview of our program, and what it looks like to lead. Register here.
Come peek behind the scenes!
Passion, leadership, and dedication empower our Site Directors to successfully establish our program as a community resource, with the goal to instill confidence in girls as they navigate their adolescent years. Throughout our last decade of 100% volunteer-facilitated programming, we have formulated a timeline for success. Check it out!
Complete Timeline:
From application to program completion, here’s the timeline of what our Site Directors are up to!
More Details:
Month 1: Apply & interview!
Month 2: Learn more about BIO Girls, and how to ensure you have a successful season.
Month 3: Decide on where and when you’ll host your BIO Girls season in your community.
Months 4, 5 & 6: Share your “why”, fundraise & recruit volunteers.
Months 7 & 8: Prepare for your season.
Months 9, 10 & 11: Execute your BIO Girls season!
Month 12: Celebrate the impact you made.
Application to Start Timeline:
We created a chart showing the correlating months for applications due and program start dates.
Example: You would like to lead a BIO Girls program that begins in May of 2025. Your Site Director application would need to be submitted in November of 2024 at the latest.