The BIO Girls Blog
Sparklight Training Plan | BIO Girls Find Your Kind 5K
Thanks to Sparklight, you can train for the 2021 BIO Girls Find Your Kind 5K!
Meet the BIO Girls Advocacy Committees: Marketing Advisory Committee
Meet the 2021-2022 BIO Girls Marketing Advisory Committee members!
Introducing BIO Girls Advocacy Committees
New in 2021! BIO Girls is introducing Advocacy Committees! A new initiative to propel the BIO Girls impact forward as we approach our 10th year of programming next year!
Meet the BIO Girls Advocacy Committees: Impact Committee
Meet the 21’ BIO Girls Impact Committee members!
Meet the BIO Girls Advocacy Committees: Programming Committee
Meet the 21’-22’ BIO Girls Programming Committee!
January 2021 Grant Highlights
We are so grateful for each opportunity we get to spread the BIO Girls mission and grant dollars are another way our generous region makes this possible. Check out this month’s grant highlights!
December 2020 Grant Highlights
We are so grateful for each opportunity we get to spread the BIO Girls mission and grant dollars are another way our generous region makes this possible. Check out this month’s grant highlights!
Behind the Lessons: Voice!
BIO Girls is committed to creating kind, respectful leaders by helping participants understand the power of their voices, whether in-person or on the latest app.
Behind the Lessons: Failure!
Girls are more likely than boys to stay within their comfort zone as a result of two strong internal forces: self-doubt and the fear of failure. By middle school, 80% of girls avoid trying new things or give up doing the things they love because they are afraid of failure.
Behind the Lessons: Healthy Relationships!
In the lesson that covers relational aggression, Faith, our mascot and lead character in the 2021 curriculum, will describe a personal situation with a mean girl – a situation that many participants will be able to relate to.
Behind the Lessons: Gratitude!
Faith, our mascot and lead character in the 2021 curriculum, helps participants reflect on this joy zapper and refocus their energy on being grateful for the blessings in their lives.
Behind the Lessons: Service Projects!
BIO Girls believes kindness is a superpower we all possess and challenges all participants to be leaders in the kindness movement in our communities.
Behind the Lessons: EQ!
Sneak peek! Two BIO Girls lessons are devoted to EQ – identification and acceptance of emotions; followed by articulation and expression of emotion. Why EQ?
Meet Faith
Meet Faith! A character brought to life, a mindset going forward and a hope for good things in the future.
November 2020 Grant Highlights
We are so grateful for each opportunity we get to spread the BIO Girls mission and grant dollars are another way our generous region makes this possible. Check out this month’s grant highlights!
Beyond Our Mission
The BIO Girls team is going beyond our mission this holiday season. Read more from BIO Girls Founder and Executive Director, Missy Heilman.
S.O.S. We Need Help!
We need your help! Read more from BIO Girls Founder and Executive Director, Missy Heilman.
Change Is Good: Introducing BIO Girls Squads
Dealing with adversity is a key to growth. Read more from BIO Girls Founder and Executive Director, Missy Heilman.
Numbers Are Rising
The number of kids with mental health issues are rising. Read more from BIO Girls Founder and Executive Director, Missy Heilman.