The BIO Girls Blog
May 2021 Grant Highlights
We are so grateful for each opportunity we get to spread the BIO Girls mission and grant dollars are another way our generous region makes this possible. Check out this month’s grant highlights!
Body Image & Mom Influence | Missy Heilman & Dr. Beth Salafia
Dr. Beth Salafia, a Professor at North Dakota State University in the Human Development and Family Science Department, joins BIO Girls founder Missy Heilman for a conversation around body image and a mother’s influence on their daughter’s body image.
Physical Health & Mental Health | Dr. Becca Bakke Interview
Physical health is a huge component of our mental health. Dr. Becca Bakke, a Pediatrian at Sanford Health, joins BIO Girls founder Missy Heilman for a conversation around physical health and how it affects mental health, specifically in our youth.
2021 Find Your Kind Virtual 5K
On May 15th, 2021, BIO Girls hosted our 2nd Annual Find Your Kind Virtual 5K & Fun Run! It was a celebration of girls finding confidence, setting big goals, and reaching them. A day of spreading kindness all across the Midwest!
April 2021 Grant Highlights
We are so grateful for each opportunity we get to spread the BIO Girls mission and grant dollars are another way our generous region makes this possible. Check out this month’s grant highlights!
Social Media, Self Esteem & Mental Health
Social media fuels a never ending loop of social comparison. BIO Girls Executive Director, Missy Heilman, joined LevelUp Fargo, Matto Foundation and DMF for a webinar to discuss social media and its impact on mental health in youth.
Social Media, Body Image & Mental Health
Mental Wellness is one of our four pillars of curriculum at BIO Girls. As a part of Mental Health Awareness Month, BIO Girls will be engaging in coversations around mental wellness, body image and provide actionable takeaways for parents.
Welcome, Yoga!
NEW in 2021! BIO Girls is thrilled to announce our pilot program with Yoga was a wild success! BIO Girls - Yoga is now available for any community starting in 2021!
March 2021 Grant Highlights
We are so grateful for each opportunity we get to spread the BIO Girls mission and grant dollars are another way our generous region makes this possible. Check out this month’s grant highlights!
Find Your Kind Virtual 5K | BIO Girls & Bell Bank
Bell Bank is the premiere sponsor of 2021 Find Your Kind 5K | Fun Run. Read more about why Bell Bank’s Pay It Forward Program aligns with the BIO Girls mission.
Welcome, Cross Training!
NEW in 2021! BIO Girls is thrilled to announce our pilot program with Cross Training was a wild success! BIO Girls - Cross Training is now available for any community starting in 2021!
February 2021 Grant Highlights
We are so grateful for each opportunity we get to spread the BIO Girls mission and grant dollars are another way our generous region makes this possible. Check out this month’s grant highlights!
Sparklight Training Plan | BIO Girls Find Your Kind 5K
Thanks to Sparklight, you can train for the 2021 BIO Girls Find Your Kind 5K!
Meet the BIO Girls Advocacy Committees: Marketing Advisory Committee
Meet the 2021-2022 BIO Girls Marketing Advisory Committee members!
Introducing BIO Girls Advocacy Committees
New in 2021! BIO Girls is introducing Advocacy Committees! A new initiative to propel the BIO Girls impact forward as we approach our 10th year of programming next year!
Meet the BIO Girls Advocacy Committees: Impact Committee
Meet the 21’ BIO Girls Impact Committee members!
Meet the BIO Girls Advocacy Committees: Programming Committee
Meet the 21’-22’ BIO Girls Programming Committee!
January 2021 Grant Highlights
We are so grateful for each opportunity we get to spread the BIO Girls mission and grant dollars are another way our generous region makes this possible. Check out this month’s grant highlights!
December 2020 Grant Highlights
We are so grateful for each opportunity we get to spread the BIO Girls mission and grant dollars are another way our generous region makes this possible. Check out this month’s grant highlights!