Choice Bank: Putting Adolescent Girls First

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Choice Bank: Putting Adolescent Girls First

#PeopleFirst is Choice Bank's motto. BIO Girls is proof that Choice Bank lives out that motto by investing in the communities in which it is present. In 2019, Choice Bank served as a BIO Girls Community Partner by sponsoring the headbands participants earned by taking ownership and following through with their at-home workouts throughout the 12-week season. The headbands are fun, but they also represent an important life-skill, accountability.


In 2019, Choice made the decision to increase their support of the BIO Girls program in an important capacity, by funding low-income participant's scholarships.

Girls from all demographics can, and do, suffer from low self-esteem. Therefore, BIO Girls does not target a specific demographic and offers programming for all who seek self-worth development. However, BIO Girls has a referral program to seek out girls who can benefit from the program and would not have the opportunity to participate due to a number of factors. In 2019, this program was a big success as 30 unique professionals referred 52 girls into our program. Referrals receive a full scholarship. In addition, we welcomed girls into the program on full financial scholarships, based on need. Referrals and scholarships accounted for 11% of participation. Choice Bank generously funded the need-based scholarships, enabling 68 girls to participate in our self-worth building program.

We are grateful for Choice Bank's continued support and for living out their #PeopleFirst mission.

If your organization is interested in supporting BIO Girls as a Community Partner,
please contact Missy Heilman, Executive Director at

~ Missy Heilman


BIO Girls Impact


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