Volunteer Highlight - Jamie Mahaffey


Meet Jamie Mahaffey

BIO Girls Volunteer in Bemidji, MN - Cross Training

For this dedicated volunteer in her community of Bemidji, MN, BIO Girls came at the perfect time.

“I started my journey with BIO Girls during a time in my life of self discovery. I was learning so much about my mental and physical health, recognizing the changes I was making was affecting my self confidence and my friendships. Learning about the program was a blessing. As a mom of a little girl I wanted to be a leader and show up for her as the best version of myself.

Now, with five years of service under her belt, she’s so grateful for her ‘yes’ to BIO Girls!

“As we, together, continued with the program we've been able to have the most thought provoking conversations. At every grade level the conversations changed and the lessons we were learning applied in new and different ways. I have met the most amazing women who have volunteered as mentors from our community and have inspired me as moms and career women. I have formed the most amazing relationships with participants and their parents, those participants have become leaders within the program and now JR mentors. I believe the growth we've had in Bemidji is a testament of how much this program matters and is making a difference in the lives of the young girls in our community.”

Favorite Lesson?

I can do hard things, because I keep pushing myself out side of my comfort zone and I get to witness the progression from week 1 to week 12 when participants push themselves outside theirs.

Do you have an impactful story to share?

It never fails, every year there's a session where a mentor/trainer volunteer/or during our service to a community were a women comes up to me and says "I was so glad I was here today, I think I needed to hear that lesson more than they did."

Do you have a participant story to share?

2024 was our first year having a JR mentor, Avery has been in the program for several years and is now a 7th grader. Having her was a huge help. You could see the curiosity in the other participants and their motivation to become a JR mentor someday.

For Jamie, it’s all about the community of women coming together to make BIO Girls a reality.

“Having strong women leaders committed to volunteering makes the world of difference for the participants.”

Jamie! We are so thankful for your time, passion and dedication to our program over the years! You have made a big difference in your community through the countless girls you’ve served.

thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


Ready to get involved?

Register for our next Virtual Lunch and Learn!

Join us to learn more from our BIO Girls team. We will cover information on the BIO Girls mission, our proven program, as well as our volunteer roles: Site Director and Mentor.

See you there!

How can I support?

We get the volunteer role isn’t for everyone!

For just $12 a month you can support one BIO Girl’s 12-week journey through our program.

Together, we can ensure all girls have access to BIO Girls regardless of socioeconomic status.


April 2024 Grant Highlights


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