TEARS Partnership

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TEARS, [ Together we Educate About the Realities of Suicide ]

BIO Girls is grateful for the partnership with Altru’s TEARS program.
TEARS has generously invested in seven BIO Girls locations in the Altru coverage area which will support the self-worth development of over 280 girls.

TEARS was established to support individuals and families who have lost a loved one to suicide and also to provide important education in hopes of preventing suicide in our Grand Forks community and the surrounding region. TEARS Program Coordinator, Moriah Opp, explains why supporting BIO Girls ties to the mission of TEARS,  

“TEARS is proud to donate to BIO Girls, and specifically, to our local BIO Girls locations. Participation in BIO Girls can equip an adolescent girl with coping skills she can use throughout her lifetime. These coping skills can promote mental wellness and resiliency, key components to upstream suicide prevention.”

Thank you, TEARS, for your commitment to the positive development of youth in our region by investing in BIO Girls.


Wells Concrete and BIO Girls


Allegro Group and BIO Girls