Mental Health Awareness Month with High School Counselor Laura Baker Stenerson


May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

At BIO Girls, we are committed to helping girls learn about and improve their mental wellness. In fact, mental wellness is one of the four key pillars of the BIO Girls program. During the month of May, BIO Girls Director of Programming and Research, Beth Salafia, will be discussing mental health and wellness topics that are relevant to parents and adolescents in our community.

Laura is a school counselor at Sheyenne High School in West Fargo, ND. Before being a counselor at Sheyenne, Laura worked as the elementary school counselor for Richland #44 school district in Abercrombie, ND 2019-2021 serving kids from pre-k through 6th grade.

This episode specifically covers negative interactions and bullying.

See below for a few highlights and the link to the full episode.

The most important thing an adolescent can do when experiencing negative situations is to seek guidance from a trusted adult.

Communicating with a neutral party can resolve a lot of tension.

Take a step back when faced with a conflict or negative situation. Once your emotions have settled, you can have clear communication by using the sentence format:

“I feel _____, when you ____, because _____.”


Thank you, Laura!


Mental Health Awareness Month with Licensed Clinical Therapist Dr. Kathryn Gordon


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