2022 BIO Girls Official Partner: Choice Bank


We are thrilled to announce Choice Bank as a BIO Girls 2022 Official Partner!

Choice Bank has been a proud supporter of the BIO Girls program since 2016. What did BIO Girls look like back in 2016? In 2016 there were just five BIO Girls locations and only 200 participants. Fast forward to today, BIO Girls has 70 confirmed program locations for the year and the capacity to reach over 2,500 girls.

This unique partnership has stemmed from Choice Bank’s #PeopleFirst motto.

Girls from all demographics can and do, suffer from low self-esteem. Therefore, BIO Girls does not target a specific demographic. Instead, our program is for all who seek self-worth development. Back in 2018, we took our first big step to actively reach more girls.

In 2018, BIO Girls created a referral program to seek out girls who can benefit from the program, but would not have the opportunity to participate due to a number of factors. Referred participants receive a full scholarship. BIO Girls also offers scholarships to those requiring financial assistance.

This is where Choice Bank comes in. Choice Bank is a key supporter of our scholarship fund. This fund ensures that financial barriers don’t hold girls back from experiencing BIO Girls.

“BIO Girls' mission to improve the self-esteem in adolescent girls through empowerment of self and service to others aligns with our own People First values here at Choice. We are proud to be a local partner offering all adolescent girls an opportunity to participate in their program through the scholarship program. We believe in their mission and are very excited to see BIO Girls empower young girls across North Dakota and beyond to reach their goals and aspirations and better the places they live.”

– Brian L. Johnson, CEO

As our program’s reach continues to grow, we have taken even further steps to reduce barriers. In 2021, BIO Girls rolled out a pay what you can model, allowing participants to enroll in BIO Girls on a partial or full scholarship with no additional forms or questions asked.

  • In 2019, 52 girls participated in BIO Girls on full scholarship.

  • In 2020, 146 girls participated in BIO Girls on full scholarship.

  • In 2021, 168 girls participated in BIO Girls on full scholarship.

We are proud to have a partner like Choice Bank that supports our mission and the communities we reside in.

“At Choice, we take deep pride in supporting the nonprofits our team members are passionate about, which is why we wholeheartedly believe in and support BIO Girls' mission. We are fortunate to have BIO Girls serving the same communities that we serve, and proud to see our team members involved by volunteering and their own girls participating in the BIO Girls program.”

– Jay Lies, President, Choice Bank North Dakota

Thank you, Choice Bank, for your continued unwavering support of BIO Girls.


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