Volunteer Highlight — Sara Hanson
Volunteer: Sara Hanson
Volunteering Since: 2021
Site: Perham, MN
Meet Sara Hanson!
Sara is our Site Director at our BIO Girls site in Perham, MN. Sara’s passion for BIO Girls has spread throughout her community. Her dedication to the mission and to each BIO Girl she mentors is responsible for positively impacting not only the girls in her community but the generations to come. We are so grateful for all she does for the BIO Girls mission.
“Sara is creative, energetic, and works really well with her co-director, Marni. Together, they lead a super successful BIO Girls - Perham location, and it shows!”
— Angie Will, BIO Girls Programming Team
We asked Sara a few questions about her involvement with BIO Girls:
How did your site and co-director come about?
“I was in line at Barnes and Noble buying a book on leadership and positivity when Marni called me. Only an hour before I had reached out to BIO Girls to get more information on bringing it to Perham. Marni and I were friends of friends but never super close ourselves. We both had people in our lives nudging us to do it. It turns out we complement one another well. Pretty soon we had people stopping us in coffee shops, or when we were picking up our kids from school wanting to be a part of it. Everyone we asked was just, ‘Yes. Yes. Yes.’ When they see something so positive, it’s hard to not want to be a part of it.”
In one sentence, how do you summarize what BIO Girls provides participants?
“Helping girls be the best versions of themselves.”
What is one piece of advice you would tell your younger self?
“Just be you. Comparison is a thief of all joy.”
Have you had an impactful mentor in your life?
“I feel like I’ve had many different mentors and I have gotten different qualities from each of them. My mom comes to mind because she is such a great encourager and listener. Also, my grandma Ann would give the shirt off her back to anyone. We are lifelong learners and mentorship encourages that.”
Sara —
The BIO Girls team, the participants you have made an impact on, and the Perham community sincerely thank you.
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