Volunteer Highlight — Missy Conrad


Volunteer: Missy Conrad

Site: Moorhead, MN - EHP Performance

Meet Missy Conrad!

Missy is our Site Director at our Moorhead, MN - EHP Performance BIO Girls site. Missy is a light to each BIO Girl she leads. Her volunteerism is one of a kind – she continues to go above and beyond to make each session the best experience for participants. We are so grateful for all she does for the BIO Girls mission.

“Missy is great and so easy to work with. Her upbeat personality, hard work ethic and over the top showcase efforts help make the BIO Girls program such big success at EHP Performance in Moorhead. Thank you Missy Conrad for your effort and work! We are grateful you choose to spend your time with BIO Girls!”

— Angie Will, BIO Girls Programming Team

We asked Missy a few questions about her involvement with BIO Girls:

Why do you volunteer with BIO Girls?

“The excitement, the smiles, the impact behind Missy and her vision with BIO Girls is one that can't be matched. The relationships formed, the positive mentoring that strengthens a young girls confidence, and friendships developed - all of it is so humbling to watch with each season. To be a small part of something so big behind this organization, especially at such a delicate time in these young girls lives, is so rewarding.”

What would girls be missing without BIO Girls?

“At times, that positive role model outside of their home life, their school life. Reaffirming their beautify from within and gain confidence as they build strength throughout our season. I've had so many women in my life state that they wish something like this was available to them decades ago to help them combat today's worries! BIO Girls helps pull out any negativity that they may be feeling and replaces those feelings with positive self-worth is so comforting to see as they begin to open up their souls during our season! This is two hours to themselves to focus on themselves and that is so critical in today's society.”

What is your favorite part about volunteering?

The smiles, the cheering! During our inaugural Showcase that we held last month, it brought happy tears as I observed the crowd in awe - the support of younger siblings, the parents, the friends of the BIO Girls - they all got to witness what I saw. The constant smiles and support as they cheered each other on was moving and so powerful to see. We cannot wait to return next season and make a small footprint in the BIO Girls lives as they realize their beauty inside and out.”


Missy —

The BIO Girls team, the participants you have made an impact on, and the Moorhead community sincerely thank you.



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November 2021 Grant Highlights


2021 Annual Report