Volunteer Highlight — April Sinner


Volunteer: April Sinner

Volunteering Since: 2018

Site: Casselton, ND

Meet April Sinner!

April is our Site Director at our BIO Girls site in Casselton, ND. April is a wonderful leader and a strong advocate for the young voices in her community. She is dedicated and passionate and it shows. We are so grateful for all she does for the BIO Girls mission.

“April is a leader in her community in so many ways and we are grateful to have her as an advocate for BIO Girls. April has a positive energy and passion for the BIO Girls program and the girls in her community. She has been a mentor for the past 5 years and when asked if she would help in a leadership position, she stepped up to help as a co-director for the 2022 season without hesitation.”

— Anna Marohl, BIO Girls Programming Team

We asked April a few questions about her involvement with BIO Girls:

What do you do for work?

“I work at WEX as a product owner.”

What drew you to become involved with BIO Girls?

“I became a mentor when my daughter first started BIO Girls. They were looking for mentors and I loved what BIO Girls was all about. Once being a mentor, I realized how awesome this program is and the impact it makes on each girl. My daughter is now too old for BIO Girls, but I remain a mentor and this year became a co-director. I love getting to meet these girls and see the impact we have on them in the short time we are together.”

Name one-way BIO Girls has impacted you personally?

“Getting to meet all the girls! Going through the program every year, it reminds me what to look for in my own daughter and reminds me to tread lightly in some waters.”

In one sentence, how do you summarize what BIO Girls provides participants?

“BIO Girls provides girls with tools to help them navigate through childhood and empowers them into their daily life in school and outside of school.”

What do you think girls would be missing without BIO Girls?
”Without BIO Girls, girls would be missing out on a great program that teaches them about self-esteem and being a true friend. It also teaches them that what they think may not be possible, is possible if you break it into smaller pieces. When the 2nd graders come in and learn they will be running 3 miles it seems impossible, but by the end, they are surprised that they can do it!”

Why is mentorship important?

“The girls get a perspective outside of their teachers and parents to have another person to bring up topics to and ask questions.”


April —

The BIO Girls team, the participants you have made an impact on, and the Casselton community sincerely thank you.



Ready to get involved?

Apply to Lead a Program or Apply to Volunteer as a Mentor

Need more information?

Register for our next Virtual Lunch and Learn to get a program overview and Q&A.


Volunteer Highlight — Ashley Gerner


April 2022 Grant Highlights