Volunteer Highlight — Andrea Jacobson


Volunteer: Andrea Jacobson

Volunteering Since: 2021

Site: Langdon, ND

Meet Andrea Jacobson

Andrea is our Site Director at our BIO Girls site in Langdon, ND. She is a driven leader with a passion to leave every place better than when she found it. She understands the importance of this program not just as a volunteer, but as a mom as well. We are so grateful for all she does for the BIO Girls mission.

“Andrea is passionate about bringing opportunities and programs to her rural community - she has a “why not us” attitude when it comes to deciding how she can serve and help out. When she sets her mind to something, she makes it happen and it is so fun to visit with her about the amazing things going on in Langdon.”

— Anna Marohl, BIO Girls Programming Team

We asked Andrea a few questions about her involvement with BIO Girls:

What do you do for work?

“I am the Human Resources Director at Mayo Construction Company.”

Do you have a vivid memory or story that stands out to you from your time volunteering?

“My favorite memory from our first season of BIO Girls was our 5K Color Run. It was so fun to see the girls accomplish their goal of finishing a 5K; something we’d been working towards all summer. It was also very heart-warming to see so many friends and family along the route supporting them, and especially to see the girls support each other throughout their run.”

Name one-way BIO Girls has impacted you personally?

“I have loved getting to know the girls - especially in a small town you recognize girls in the community.”

What is your favorite movie?

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

What do you think girls would be missing without BIO Girls?
”I feel without being involved in the BIO Girls program, girls would miss out on the opportunities of community, friendships, accountability, personal growth, and a safe space for great discussion.”

What is one piece of advice you would tell your younger self?

“Don’t sweat the small stuff. Learn to trust and chill out. Ask yourself, Is this going to be important in 5 minutes, 5 months, 5 years?


Andrea —

The BIO Girls team, the participants you have made an impact on, and the Langdon community sincerely thank you.



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