15 Principles of Effective Prevention Programs: BIO Girls Adolescent Progam Review


The BIO Girls program is a preventative approach to the issues that girls will face later in their adolescent years. So, what does it mean to be a prevention program?

Prevention refers to methods or activities that seek to reduce the risk of developing problematic behaviors. There are 15 principles of effective prevention programming. These 15 principles are divided into 3 main areas:

  1. Treatment Principles: relating to curriculum

  2. Procedural Principles: having to do with how the program is run

  3. Design and Evaluation Principles: relating to program effectiveness

Our researcher took a look at our program data and the 15 principles to see how the BIO Girls Adolescent Program measures up. Check it out!


BIO Girls Awarded Grant Funded by the FM Area Foundation


Volunteer Highlight — Nikki Peterson